

ok, i really wanna play wow right now so this is gonna be shot. didnt poast over the weaked becasue went to GAM. garthing of all mariners. did boating and swimming and didint sleep at all so i'm still tired. uh..... got boared today. and started counting all the animes i watch of follow in some way:
gumdam seed
gundam destny
naruto shipuden
dath note
vampire knite...
i think thts it.
no more to write about i promis a longer poast tomorro....
oh! for got- please comment. i get tired of talking to my self. so yeah. say some thing. please. i gets loney some times.


why is my chicken walking funny?

disregard the titel.
ok, my milfe in the past.... 2 1/2 moths is sumed up in the nifty little acrmyn:
as in World of Warcraft.
and the sad thing is that i'm only a 31. which in the sceam of things is kinda low, but i'm happy in my mediocraty so leave my and my stupid little bubble alone and dont pop it, k?
so in these three months i've been living happily on wow, and doing absolutely notherin eles and then it hits me:
i'm gonna be graduating soon. this is the year of endings. next year nothing, ABSOLUTLY NOTHING i now know will have any connection with me.
i'm graduating, my gs troop is breaking up, i will problably looss my best friends. my sis is going to colledge. and i'm mwaistiing my time playin wow!?
oh well. so i continued playing. why care right? this is all going to happen any way, so why try to fight it? or even thinjk about it?
my friends are stressing ou about not being able to see eachother next year, but i;m just sitting there at the crowed lunch tabel eating my tuna. i'll miss them, but this whole pre- mouring thing is just over my head i guess.
oh lunch tables:
you're gonna love this: ok so there's this gir at my table whos is such a BEEEEEEP if you know what i mean, and she stole one of my best freinds lunch and hid it near this bridge we hang out on before school. well, she didnt tell my friend and my friend never got her lunch back, asind from a plasic bag and an open bag of chips. now this girl is aways doing stuff like this and my and my group are just sick and tired of it so we leaft.
never to return.
it was wonderful.
so back to graduation:
ugh, so many things comming up, grad night at some insufferable theme park, semi formal(kill me now- dancing and people and loud music while you're dressed in a hidious thing that has lace and ruffle and*throus up* in the same room at the same tine!!! ahhhh!!) and then the ceremony its self, which i hear is going to be kinda short this year because there are somany stupid people that like only 250 of us are graduating. now if thats not sad, i dont know what is.
semi for mal is a dance, so i need some one to go with, right? so i'm all getting ready to ask him, and i finnaly work up the coredge and you now what!? he' not going! becaue he's one of the idiots who's not graduating.
which is really disapointing, and not just for me, but that he's really smart, just an idiot when it somes to work.
reminds me of me.
and i need to find some one before semi formal, because all my friends promised eachother that we'd all find some one to go with. i'm so desparate and scotially inept that i actually googled a guild to flirting. i'm discusted with my self.
it had some good tips tho. lol, my life is to superficial.
even if i do get some one to go with i'm not going to be happy. i'm rarely happy, but i know for certain the it we were to go that i would, at least for a short time. oh well i've got till june.