
coment with title ideas.

>>>>> "haaaaaah….. haaaaaaaah……haaaaah." His hot breath was beginning to fog the glass of his helmit. The cockpit of the single piolet ship was unbeaabley hot and now his helmis was foggin. He iched to pull it off and breathe real, not canned air. An urgent beeping pulled his attenction from the humidity to the power. Low. And dropping. He hit a button praying th intercom still had power. Hit eyes flickered to a flashing light on the controle panel. Armor down to 47%. Hull breaches in the aft secton. Losing compression. He could feel the pull of space coming from the tear in the steal shell. The intercom signal suddenly came sraching in. through the interference he could catch a few words " scht …. Retreat…… all…..scht….. ba-" his fingers raced wildly across the key board, panic rising in his chest. armore donw to 20% and dropping. There had to be another frequency where the signal from the flag ship would be stonger- clearer. But the more he seached the radio station the less he could understand. Hull breach in section 3492. screeming the disress call he had prayed never to use onto all frequency, the panic that had been threatening to take over consumed him. Fingers flaying across the panel once more he tried unsucsessfullto to seal the damaged parts of the fighter. A calm voice infomed him that the cockpit was decompressing. A sudden rush of coldness washed over him and the screens went blank. And the air being piped into his helmis suddenly ceased. He willed his breath to become even- to take up as little oxygen as possible but even seconds afer the stop of flow he found it hard to breath. I need to get out. The words lodged themselves into his mind. He tried to move, but his body was fozen by the cruel vacuume of space. Forcing all of his might and will into one arm he reached out, fighting the panic, and lack of oxygen, just to stay awake, and pushed the eject button. The ship gave a sudder. Something was wrong. His mind was beginning to become foggy. I can't breathe! His mind no longer raced. But some thing more than that was wrong. He looked up in the split second before his chair was shot upward and out. The top was crushed. It would not open. He was a dead man. And the chair exploded into the top of the ship.
>>>>> "No you idiot, right there!" Lieutenant Roan barked at the yong ensign, pointing a finger at the blip on the screen. The ensin shiveled back against his seat. "Yes ma'm." he said nodding. "You see it now?"Roan asked in her most sinister voice. "Yesma'm." the ensign squeeked. She statended up, enjoyng the teffitying effect she had on the kid. Scowling she looked at the digipad she held in one hand. "Ensign….Cark?" she guessed after a moment. "that's me.." cark said softly, still looking to scared to breath. "hmph." She said scribbling away with a stylus. "Lieutenant ….." the captain called from behind. "yes sir?" she said turning around at attention, then relaxed seeing the captains humorous expression."what are you doing?" he said sighing.. "found a…. object sir." She sid glancing back at Cark. He sighed, shaking his head this time. " we just won a battle, don't you think ther might be some 'object' floating around out there?" it was rhetoracle, they bothe knew that, but he waited for a response any way. Roan wasn't the only one who like to see lower ranks squirm, by the lieutenant held herself, sareing with cold, dark eyes right back into those of the captain. The brief silence was broken by the trembling voice of the ensign, "one life sighn aboad,it's faint though." He said turning way from the panel. A smug smile flashed across roans face then disappeared. Another silence. "captain Voresh? How should we proceed?" carks voice protraed his deep desire to melt into a puddle and slither way. He hated the neverending banter between Voresh and Roan. But he and the other lower officer on the bridge kep their mouth shut; no one would risk Roans temper. "sir?"
>>>>> "launch Shear."
>>>>> "yes sir." He sighed quietly then flipped the small toggle connecting his ear piece to the launch deck. "prepare the 3-XO7- "flight" for launch immidiatly."
>>>>> He could only imagine his voice booming across the deck. The men scrambling to fit armor onto the light ship. The 3-XO7, flight as it was called, he though to himself, now there was a one -carry fighter. And that "Swepth Shear" or what ever her name was- now ther was a pilot.
>>>>> Swepth looked up wearily as the name of her one-carry was called over the intercom. Sighing she got up from the mess hall, not bothering to clean up her pate and rushed out into the corridor. It was a larg ship, the largest in the fleet, and possibly the best armed in the Earth Gatherence army. Normally Swepth didn't have any problem with being in space, but this… ship was too big. And with the artificial gravity, it was almost like being on a colony. She rounded a corner and waited for the sliding doors to open to the launch deck.
>>>>> Her space suit and the cockpit of the flight were the only thing that seemed close to a home for Swepth. And as she hopped into the open top of the flight she felt happier than ever. This was the only thing she was good at. Piloting. She was the only female pilot in the Earth Gathence army and was dispised my many for her talent. She pushed a botton,k activating the helmis camera, a live feed to the bridge. "this is Shear; lanching 3-XO7." She said, moving her hand toward the throttle out of habit. "Flight, you're a go." An ensign from the bridge said into the somunicator. Gripping thehandle of the throdle, as the adranalin kicked in, she pushed it as fro as it would go.
>>>>> And she was out. Out and way from all the people of the huge ship, out into the wonderful solitude of space. "what am looking for?" she breathed into the intercom, thankful that the video feet cut once she was out of the ship. The drone of an ensign one the other end sent her the coodinates. "we're not sure, but hurry, theres a person out there"
>>>>> "name?" that was a word… wans't it? "name?" it was getting louder. "name!?" and… if it's possible, it was getting annoyed. Could words get mad? None of it made sence to him, nothing but pain. He was breathing, so he was a live. The pain of his neck started to bring some excrutiating clarity to the situation.pain, he was defiantly alive. "name!?" the voie reapeated, more annoyed. "Sprig Gavenson." He said automaticly, now that the meaning of the word registered. There was no helmit and was laying not sitting. But where? He sat up, or tried to anyway befor doubeling over in pain. Sprig managed to open his eyes. He was in some sort of sick bay, but notihng like the one on the flag ship. "That's good, thank you." He found the owner of the voice, a woman in a white robe that folded over its self and attached at the hip. That uniform……. His eyes grew wide. Then he shut them, trying desparatly to recall what had happened. There was a battle…. He had been launched last, his crews last line of defence, and he failed. He was hit. Lost power. Nothing afer that but the vegue image of wide... almost scared, but horrified blue eyes staring wildly at him through the glass of another hilmit, a mangled body reflecting in it. "rank?" the woman demanded.
>>>>> "one-carry fighter piolet." was this an interogation?
>>>> " craft?"
>>>> "cold flame." why was he telling her this?
>>>> "the number??" she was getting annoyed.
>>>> " 476-304 cold flame" he spouted the whole name reluctantly, rolling over to face the woman, inpectin her more througholy. she was old, obviously near retirement. he unifor was that of the Earth Gatherance- he cursed them silently- and white, so this was a sick bay...
>>>> "thank you." she said scowling.
>>>> a wave of guild swept over him. every one in the fleet was now dead- because of him. thoughs of the admiral, his mentor, coundtless captains, and an infinite nuber of cewmember now floated dead- becasue of him. his eyes flickered to the woman, standing there, dressed in white of all things, a symble of them. white- pure and untoched by the cold reality the death and war brought- that killing killing other people brought. one of them.
>>>> he spat at her suddenly.
>>>> "where am i?" he said, malace dripping from his voice.
>>>> he stuggled up onto one one elbow, and his eyes went cold.
>>>> "i'll kill you..." his voice cracking from the pain of moveing.
>>>> he let out a yelp of pain as the inside of his elbow burst into excrutiating pain. only then did he notice the needle, the i.v. and he colapsed.
>>> "what are you doing to him!?" swepth call angrily from the dorr way.
>>> "interrogation, standard procedure." the medical officer answered alittle defencively.
>>> sigthing and shoulder past the woman to the controle pannel she was standing at.
>>> "god," she muttered under her breath, "they let any one at a uniform these days." the woman opened her mouth to reply but was cut off.
>>> "the Skys Army is desparate. i would have though you of all perple would know that."
>>> swepth staitened from the panel. "luetenant roan." she said stiffly, not turning to face her.
>>> "swepth." roan said nodding bruscly. then turning to the woman. " report?" the medical officer straitend, and pulled out a digy pad.
>>> "the Livouts is working quite well. i got name and rank...... and the name of his craft." she read from the pad.
>>> roan was not pleased."all the things we picked up from the files on his ship."
>>> she sighed to keep her temper down.
>>> "any thign usefull?"
>>> the woman shook her head.
>>> "then get to work." now to swepth,"i want you working wtih the engineers down on launch deck to get that thing of his working...... now." her words were slow and deliberate. and infuriating.
>>> "yes mam." swepth spat through clenched teeth. she turned and stalked out of the sick bay, her uniform trailiing weakly behind her.
>>> as the elivators doors slid fluidly open, swepth immidiatly felt calmer. the smell of oil and mecanics flooded her nose and she breathed it deeply. the launch deck- her place. she unually ate down here- any thing to avoid the other crew members.
>>> and interogation, only natural, but to use expririamntal drugs, even on an animal like the boy... was unthinkable. "Livouts" she had said, a truth serim as it was being advertised, or rather, passed off as, but the SA. the tests on rats were horrific, the long term affects made even swepth sick.
>>> on the other hand, he was an enimy, one of many "one- carry fighter" piolets that had destored her home. he wa an animal, and it was only natural for seom one who had already been modified, she cringed, even thinking the word, to be exprimente on.
>>> who was he.. before? a piolet? or just a boy, not far from her won age, wraped up in the confusion of adolesance? had a been an SA recriut? and officer?
>>> by this time she was at his one-carry. she wrenched the crumpled cockpit open, squeesing her self into the nearly destroyed pioleting caity. one wing was gone, oxygen down to critical. she studied the screens for a moment, still frozed in their despays from the imactp. every thing was frozed, the seat she sat on torn and stained. with what? she wondered vauguely.
>>> out of the one carry now, she carefully disconnected the uplink capble from the fighters hard drive, reconnecting in its place a power cord. back inside the fighter, she searched for the "on" button. she scowed, it was a toggle swich rather than a button. she flicked it up, hearing the strong familiar sound of a one-carry engin starting up. then the sound sputtered, coughed, and failed, ending in a lage bang, and flooding the cockpit with smoke. she got out, swearing.
>>> why had she thought it would work?
>>> the whole nose was fractured, the whole plane was a wreck. what did roan think she would accomplish by getting her to make the thing work again? did she just want to feel the sick satisfaction of seeing the hopeful faces of that animals crew mates at his possible life, being crushed as their own fighter fired apon them? how many lives would have to end for every one to feel "satisfied" that all was even.? untill they were all dead there would still be retrabution demanded by some one for some lost life.
>>> swepth sighed angrily, prying the nose cover off. another billow of smoke met her face, biting at her eyes. she sputtered waekily, clearing it away with a few sweaps of her hand, pulled out a wrench and set to work.
>>> the sound of sliding doors mad swepth jerk up her head, right into the light fixture, stumble back, trip on a screw driver and fall, bleeding slightly and cursing to the ground.
>>> "what ever it is," she groweled, cluching her head in pain "it better be important."
>>> "oh?" she could hear in the tone of Roans voice, that her eyebrow raised.
>>> swepth shighed, got to her feet and scoweled at roan. "work deck is no pleace for formalities. say what you want and leave, i'm working under orders."
>>> roan sighed,put off. "thought you could use this, seeing as you woulld apear to be unsucksessful..." she nodded toward the fighter. "i'm mean its beeen what? 4 hours now? and you still couldn't salvage it? cap' s'not gonna like this"
>>> "swepths eyes narrowed, "you wanna give it a try?" whishout waiting for an answer, "what did you bring?"
>>> roan steped a sided.
>>> "you have got to be kidding me..."
>>> the boy from the sick bay stood cuffed before sweth and now beside a gloating roan. "you couldn't to do it, mabe he can. "
>>> she turned and steped into the lift. "wait! what if he sees-" swepth called after her, but was cut off as the sliding doors met and the platform rose.
>>> swepth turned to the boy, the glarde in her eyes almost made him flinch, but not quite.
>>> "sit down , face the wall and shut up, i dont need your help, i'm just stuck baby sitting so so if you move an inch, i'm kill you." she grabbed a chain, fastening it to the cuffs, yet did so carefully so as not to make contact wit hhis skin.
>>> it was pallid, liek hers, to many days spent in a cockepit, she guessed.
he made no reponce but sat down, turning as she had intructed.
she tied the chan to her belt, turning back to the wires she had been saudering.
he was quiets as she worked, he pressence like an ever growing pressure. finally, she burst.
"so," she muttered, almost to her self , "what is it donwing? planning, waiting for me to stop paying attention for a moment? hoping i'll learn to trust it...?"
she was baiting him, and they both knew it. " it's name is sprig." he said in and even calculated voice.
he hand tightened on the laser, eyes flitting away from the wires for a breif second, he caut the movement, from the corner of his eye.
she could hear the sudden smile in his voices as he spock again, "red to yellow."
"what?" she asked, regretting the words eve n as they flowed from her lips, i shouldn't be talking to it.... she scorned her self.
he turning tward her, smug, "those are break away wires, upon loss of power, the sever them selves. they're all miss mached too, red to yello, blue to orange. with out the training, you could never hope to put on of these one carrie back together.
oh, yeah, we know. the losing "his smugness grew at the word "side scavenges.
e're the beasts and you're the pirates."
it was her tern to be smug "and you're telling me this because..?"
" i assume you're going to 'fix' me, right?" swepth could hear the slightest edge of fear in his voice.
she nodded.
"then i might get to fly it again."
fter a moment of silence, she walked hesitantly over to him.
"we'll be helping you, freeing you." she reached out a hand to him, almost angry with herself at offering such a kind action to a war prisoner.
he fliched away, the tone in his voice became that of someone marching to the gallows, solmn, acepted, "you will be changingg me. and in the end, i will kill my own comrads."
swepth, too, shrunck back, retreating to her work. red to yellow, blue to green... "and your comrads before your modification? what about them?"
he swallowed silently. "they are dead, just as to them i am dead."
she finished, grabing the hood, and clamping it down. she pulled out a metal hammer, and began flatening it.
>>with each pownd she could see out of the corner of her eye sprigs hands, forming the shape of the craft in the air "cold flame." he muttered to hims self, daring a glance at the crumpled mass of metal, greif across his face.
she knew that pain, the pain of losing ones craft.
in hours to hours most piolets spent more time in their plane than every where else combined, swepth slept in hers. they had a learning system that would adapt to any one who flew it after a few times, and according to some pioltes, the computing system coud form bonds, seeing the graceful shape vertually destoryed would bring pain to any one who saw t, but especially to the one who loved it. in deep space, someones one carrie was their whole life, their friends, and family.
"what ship were you based from?" she asked suddenyl.
" the flag ship, Blue Crossing. pride of her fleet."

yeah, i know there's a ton of type o's but try to waid trough them please.


the empty canvace

thoughout "great" literature the empty canvace is viewed as a place of infinite possibilyities.
right now, my life is an empyt canvace, with out possiblilities. i had a beautiful paining, perfect down to the last detail, each brush stroke let behind by some one who cared.
some one who as of now, will now pain any more stokes on my canvace of life. every one i knew is gone, for i am lost to them.
my painting is gone and im left with blank emptyness, unable to make any thing out of it but the lone firhgtinging words"verdrug oh." for verdugo, as more resecting people might call the school, is where i have ended up.
i've got to figure that some one up there hates me alot. i had a plan, right though the rest of my life, i'd to to texas a and m, live in a small town in oregon, and have two horses, wich i would hook up to a cart every sunday after noon and drive about the town.
i had the out line of a life, and all i had to do was live it out.
BUT who ever it was up ther who hates me took away my plan, my hopes and most likeyly my future. i lost a world that sould have been mine, doomed to the seedy underworld of run of the mill public education. some one please kill me.
i dont belong here.