

well this is just fabulose! (omg, what that an exclamation mark?) i was sick. yeah, suck. throwing up, fever, head aickes. the whole nine yards. i had to miss school. usually i wouldn't complane about not seeing massive ammounts of idiots for hours, but i've been getting good grades lately and every day i miss is just another day i have to make up. so yay. at least i on;y missed one day. but still, i didn't get to see him to day. that makes three, so i'm a little sad. oh well, it's not like he missed me.
i'm so tired of all these people on t.v. and songs and what ever complaining about how they're in love with some one who dosn't know they exist. what they don't know is how good they've got it. when he doesn't know about you, there's still a chance. but when he knows you're in love wtih him and doesn't care; you tell me, whitch is worse? seeing him every day, and hugging him as nothing more that a friend while your heart screams to kiss him or do somthing besides stand there uncomfortably while he walks away?

1 comment:

Katie said...

hi ok lets talk on neo pets meat you there